Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Virginia at 12 Months

We have a ONE YEAR OLD!!!  How did this happen?!

It seems like just yesterday that we came home from the hospital with this little angel.

At 12 months, Virginia is as sweet as ever.

She is still a great eater, and will eat just about anything.  Some of her favorites are broccoli, strawberries, scrambled eggs, carrots, chicken, oatmeal, bread, and bananas.

As of 12 1/2 months, Virginia has completely weaned from nursing.  She was NOT so happy about it at first!!  We dropped her normal nursings one at a time until she seemed completely content with just whole milk.  

Although Virginia is a chatty Kathy, she still prefers jibberish to English.  The only word that she will say (after prompted) is "Jack".  And only when she sees him. 

She still just has her bottom two teeth, although one of her top middle teeth is coming in.

 Virginia loves to walk behind her push toy and to cruise along the side of furniture.  She still hasn't taken any steps on her own yet. 

She plays so well on her own.  I can leave her in her bedroom and she will read books, play with her toys, inspect the handles on her dresser, and when she thinks I'm not looking -- make an escape for the Blu Ray player. 

 She is still not sleeping through the night.  Ho hum.

Her bedtime routine is very predictable and easy.  She eats dinner around 6:00, takes a bath, snuggles with Daddy when he gets home from work, drinks a little more milk, and likes to be in bed by 7:00-7:30 (depending on when Josh can get home).  We lay her in bed with her paci and lovey, she rolls over on her side, and doesn't make a peep.  (Well.. until 1a.m. or so...)

This month, Virginia started really pointing at things that peaked her interest.  I love seeing that chubby little finger pointing at pictures in her books, dogs walking by, photos of Mommy and Daddy, etc.

She is wearing clothes pretty true to size.  Her disposable diaper size is 3-4.  We are still cloth diapering and loving it!

Virginia's 12 month stats (Percentiles from BabyCenter):
Weight: 21lb 13oz (50-75th%)
Height: 31" (90-95th%)
Head Circumference: 18" (50-75th%)

As always, we love you, sweet girl!!  Thank you for the best year of our lives!

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite post so far!! I love all the adorable pictures :) She is such a sweet girl!
