Friday, June 14, 2013

Virginia's First Birthday!

For those of you who haven't given up on me -- I'm back.

No excuses or apologies... Let's just start catching up!


Virginia's first birthday parties were so much fun.  We had a family/neighbors party on Saturday and then another party with some friends on Sunday.  I used decorations that my friends made for my baby shower (score!) and so everything turned out cute.   We just made it very simple and had desserts that I made ahead of time, so I was able to enjoy the company of everyone who took the time to come celebrate our sweet Virginia Alice.

I made these invites on PicMonkey and printed them at Staples.

{Big thanks to Jason and Meagan and Laura for taking all the photos for us!}

 The birthday girl's outfit!
(Made from scraps of fabric that I had.)

Me and my 

I think Little Miss was a Little Confused that day with all that was going on around her!

Checking out the scene...

We moved the loveseat out of the way so the kids could have a little room to play.
(Also, notice how Mom and I are dressed the same.  We ALWAYS do that!)

Mummi and Doc

Bebe and Pop
(Dad, this is why you should sit up straight in pictures... let this be a lesson!)

 The Havenwood Court gang
(Born January 5th, February 8th, and February 16th!)

Virginia loved having all eyes on her for the birthday song and cake.
Well, I guess she loved the birthday hat the most.
See for yourself.

Okay, okay, nevermind the fact that I made the hat... you can take it off...
 Looks like she's cheering up a little...

Let's try to sneak the hat on for some cute pictures...

... It's her party, she can cry if she wants to...

Oh well, I tried!
(Hat - cheerios box, glue gun, scrap fabric & ricrac, pom, and about 10 minutes of time)

Here's the whole thing on video!
(It's blurry for about 15 seconds but clears up.)

Let's move on to Sunday's party!

After church on Sunday, Josh had some healthy Burger King for lunch and shared his fries with the birthday girl...

...who was extra sleepy and not really ready to party...

 ... until she put on her party hat (well, not really) and all her friends showed up!

Happy Birthday to our sweet potato pie!!!!!

(aaaaand it only took me 5 hours to sort/edit pictures and write this post... this is why i don't blog)


  1. Excellent post, Bon! I demand more! ;)

  2. I agree with Katie! The reason it takes you so long is because you do such a good job. Mine are so unorganized. What does editing pictures mean? ;) Can't wait to see more!!
