Sunday, December 2, 2012

Virginia at 9 Months

What a sweet, sweet girl we have!

Virginia's personality has grown by leaps and bounds this month.
Here are some things that I want to remember about V at this precious time in her life...
(The list is long)

Last Wednesday night, we were standing outside of church with the Cicero's, and Virginia started saying "Bye Bye! Bye Bye!" in her sweet, girly voice and waving her arm up and down! 
Melted. My. Heart! 
(I started crying!)

Some other "words" of hers...
"Ma ma ma" and "Da da da" - Although she'll make these noises a lot, there are definite times that she says them wanting me or Josh.

"Bop" - She has said this on several occasions while looking at Pop!  A couple times, we were saying "Pop! Pop!", and she copied us.  One time, though, he walked into the room and made a funny face at her and she giggled and said "Bop!" :)

"Moh Moh" - Bebe taught her to say "more" a few weeks ago.  Now, when she runs out of food, she looks at me with a serious face, big eyes, and a puckered mouth and says "moh moh"

She army crawls pretty well and can get anywhere she needs to go.
(I catch her pulling the flap on the BluRay player down every day.)
She is close to a real crawl, but doesn't quite have it down yet.
She is also mastering sitting up from laying down, and likes to do that in her crib while I'm not watching!
---> The crib mattress is going to be lowered today!
She also pulled up from sitting to standing a couple weeks ago on my cowboy boots. Sweet.

Virginia has this adorable grin, where her top lip gets really pointy like a little beak.  I've tried to look in the mirror and create this hilarious grin, but cannot.
While watching basketball over Thanksgiving, I finally figured out what she looks like - a billiken

We love sitting in Virginia's glider and reading books with her.  
She will turn the pages and loves the "touch and feel" books now.
She also does the cutest thing - After we've read a few pages of one book,
she starts leeeeaannning forward to look in the book basket on the floor.
It's like she's excited about the next book she's going to read.

Virginia's sleeping is... still no good... but let's leave that part out.  :)
..Because I don't want anyone to think that she's anything but perfect in every way!
She does normally take two long (1.5 to 2.5 hour) naps everyday, which is pretty nice.

She is still a great eater, and is mainly wanting to feed herself.  Her new favorites are cooked apples, mangoes, scrambled egg yolks, and cheerios.  She also loved the Thanksgiving turkey!  

Big news!  Virginia has a tooth!  Joshua found it on Thanksgiving day when he was giving her a sip of water and felt the glass clank against something in her mouth.  She hates when I try to look at it, so glimpses of that precious little thing are rare!  I think the one next to it is coming in also.  (Bottom two front teeth.)


Keep on growing, Virginia!  You are our best buddy and we love you to the moon!

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