Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Weekend in Florence

I am SO behind.
What's new?

Today and tomorrow are blog catchup days.
(And paint the dining room and the kitchen backsplash days.)

So let's start with a trip home to Florence over Labor Day weekend.

Virginia had fun sitting in the big high chair at Mummi and Doc's.

 We enjoyed watching the first Bama game of the season.

Mommaw's house sold, so the family was all there to go through her things.
It was definitely sad and difficult.
It was good to see everyone, though, and we enjoyed sharing memories that were attached to so much of what remained in her house. 

Here's Virginia meeting her new baby cousin Tristan.

Precious Jackson was there, too.

Her new thing is playing with/chewing on hair.

Here's V having fun with Aunt Hailey and Cousin Lizzy:
(I don't know how to make videos bigger.  Or how to take away the video ads at the end.)

Each grandkid got to take home "our folders".  
Since we were little, Mommaw had been saving artwork, cards, newspaper clippings, etc that she received from us in our own folders.
It was really sweet going through all of those treasures.

Here was a note that I sent Mommaw when I was 5 or 6.

"Cotton from the field from Red Bank Road.  I was riding my bike down there and I picked some cotton."  :)

On Labor Day, we went to Grandmother's house to visit.  
I loved watching Virginia and Lizzy play with all of our old toys!

Virginia snuggled with Grandmother for an entire Mickey episode.  :)


More pictures coming soon.

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