Thursday, August 23, 2012

Virginia at 6 Months

I feel like my monthly updates are getting a bit repetitive...
"She's happy, healthy, and beautiful!"
Not a bad thing, huh?

As I mentioned previously, her 6 month checkup went well.
Weight: 17lb 14oz (75th%)
Height: 26.5" (75th%)

This little girl is just growing and growing! 
It is so sad to hold up her newborn onesies and see how much bigger she is now!

At 6 months, Virginia sits up and rolls over well.  
I don't think she'll be crawling any time soon because 
she just seems so content to be in one spot.

Her favorite things are still her Johnny Jump Up and Mickey Mouse.

She's been eating solids for a couple weeks now and is doing pretty well with it.
Her favorite foods are peaches, apples, oatmeal, and bananas.
She's tried green beans and avocado but wasn't too fond of them. 

[I know this isn't in focus but don't you just want to pinch those cheeks?!?!?]

She is still sleeping like a champ, which is so very nice!
As long as we're home, she goes to bed at 7:00p.m. and sleeps until 7-8:00a.m.

I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.

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