We had such a great vacation with the Little crew in Seaside last month!
It was so nice to be with everyone... especially the Nebraskans, Sb and Brett!
Minus one episode on the beach and one episode at a late night dinner,
Virginia was an absolute angel.
(In her defense - she got a little too hot on the beach
and that dinner was wayyy past her bedtime!)
I've said it before, but she LOVES being around other little kids,
so she had a ball watching Kate and Henry play.
"Pit"stop at Peach Park on the way down :)
Settling into our house
Loved spending time with this sweet boy!
We headed down to the beach to get our feet sandy.
Virginia wasn't in the best mood (time for sleep),
but sweet girl was trying to be good!
It takes a circus to get these three kiddos' attention!
Kate Little loves the beach!
(I'm pretty sure she fell face first in the water a little after this!)
The next morning we took it easy and these girls
hung out in their pjs.
Then we suited up for the beach.
Virginia had it made in the shade, and did a good bit of sleeping on the beach.
It's a tough life!
She and Henry enjoyed playing in the Go-pod under the tent.
Henry was a little more skilled in there than V.
I'd say these two had a nice time...
I think Mummi's dream would be to sit on the beach
with a sleeping baby in her arms every day!
I slacked off on taking pictures the rest of the trip,
and I'm not sure the order of these....
So here's what's left!
And with that... we headed home.
Love the pics!