Friday, August 17, 2012

Random Pics

Yesterday was a blogging frenzy!
After all those posts, here are some phone pictures from the past month 
that haven't been posted.

(This was the beginning of a two-day period during which Virginia threw a fit every time I tried to nurse her.  It was really weird.  My mom said, "That girl just wants real food!"... And yes, we are in the backseat of the car here.  Just left Hobby Lobby and needed to go to Walmart, but because I could not calm her down and she refused to eat, we just went home!)

As long as it doesn't rain all weekend, Josh and I are going to try to take some good 6 month photos of Virginia, so stay tuned.  Also, her next checkup is Monday.  I can't wait to see how much this little chunk weighs!

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