Thursday, August 16, 2012

Girls Weekend

Joshua went to the beach last weekend for our friend Lucas's bachelor weekend,
so Virginia and I had some fun girl time!

Also, Virginia had not been sleeping through the night for a couple months, 
so I was determined to fix that this weekend with Dad gone.
(He is a much lighter sleeper than me, so the "cry it out" method 
doesn't work very well when he's home and has to work the next day.

Starting next week I will be teaching on T/TH nights again, 
so I also decided that it's time for Miss V to have more scheduled days.
I think it will definitely be easier for Josh while he's keeping her those nights.

At the end of three days, 
we have a nicely scheduled baby who sleeps from ~7:00pm to ~6:30am!

Good morning, sunshine!

The downside to this schedule thing is that 
it's MUCH more difficult to take her out in the evenings.
So, we've gained sleeping all night, but lost flexibility in our days.
If it's not one thing it's another!

But it suuuuure is nice to get consecutive hours of sleep again, 
so no complaints here!

**Just so I will remember with future children, I figured out that the secret to 
getting V to sleep all night is giving her a large bottle instead of nursing her 
before bedtime.  She must get much more full that way, 
because it has worked like a charm.**

Happy girl after bath time 

 Don't let this picture fool you,
she loves to eat!
She just really wants to eat this bib, too, 
but her mean ol' Mom won't let her.
[I'm afraid Miss Virginia may have a bit of a temper!]

I, of course, soaked up the remaining Olympic events in the evenings 
and stayed up late watching them. 
Plus, I just can't get to sleep as easily when Josh is gone.
Then I was up early in the mornings with my girl! 
(That first weekend she was waking up around 5:30 a.m.)

We had fun watching cartoons in bed together!
(I'm not proud of this picture, but I don't care... It's a good memory.)

Saturday morning was SO nice.
It felt like a late fall, football Saturday morning -
and those are the BEST in my book!!
V and I walked to downtown Homewood for the farmer's market.
Unfortunately, the market had ended the previous weekend, 
but thankfully there was one farmer setting up in front of Urban Cookhouse.
I picked up some peaches, tomatoes, and okra, 
and we headed back home.

 We spent some QT rocking on the sun porch and playing outside.
And my beloved iPhone captured some of my favorite pictures yet...
 [precious outfit made by Bebe]


We had a nice weekend together
(and I got a lot accomplished around the house),
but we sure were excited to have Daddy back home!

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