... apples and bananas and almost everything else!
This girl l-o-v-e-s food!
She has loved everything I've given her except green beans, avocados, and peas.
It's a green thing I guess.
We'll have to fix that!
(Although she does love zucchini, as seen above!)
I forgot - the other thing she didn't like was "Fruit Compote".
(Apples, oats, dried figs, apricots, raisins, cinnamon)
It doesn't really come as a surprise, but I have been LOVING the baby food stage.
I make all of her food
(with the exception of some free jars that I got with coupons),
and it is just lots of fun for me.
I have a baby food cookbook from my Aunt Becky that I love, of course,
and I also find lots of useful information from
It is so easy to make your own baby food, and I think it tastes much better.
My mom wanted me to take pictures of the food I've made..
Mixed Vegetables
Butternut Squash
Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Fruit Compote
Green Beans
Sauteed Squash and Zucchini
Pears and Apricots
Baked Peaches
I have moved past the 1 oz cubes and now use these... I think they're 3 oz?
This was Banana Blueberry Rice.
I use these silicone containers to freeze the food and then put the cubes in labeled bags in the freezer.
When it's meal time, I just take out one or two cubes and thaw them out.
I'm so glad that my sweet girl loves food as much as her momma!
She'll be helping me in the kitchen before too long!!
But that requires her growing up, which she is not allowed to do.
I LOVED making baby food for Henry! I literally wore my Beaba machine out!