Monday, July 23, 2012

Virginia at 5 Months

Oh, me...  Another month old!

Virginia Alice, you are so SWEET!
Your daddy and I say that every day, several times.
You are just so happy and smiley all (most) of the time.

You prefer to be active.
If you could talk, you'd be saying,
"Come on, Mom! Let's go to the park! Let's go to the pool! 
Stop cooking and cleaning and doing whatever else you do and let's GO!"
Now I normally would agree with you, however, 100 degree days and then two straight weeks of rain hasn't allowed for much outdoor fun.

You are enjoying being on your stomach a little more now.  Although you're not crawling, you can spin in a circle on your back or tummy.

You're sitting up pretty well on your own.  
It's adorable!

I gave you oatmeal/rice cereal at night for a week to help you sleep.
It didn't help.
So we stopped.

You LOVE your jumpy-thing.
(Bebe calls it a Johnny Jump-Up, I think?)

You absolutely love being around kids and watching them play.

You have laughing moments that are worthy of being You-Tube sensations.
"Baby laughing at sneezes."
"Baby laughing at chicken sound."
"Baby laughing at silly uncle."

You still love Mickey Mouse.  He always makes things better.

{Virginia had her tongue clipped (frenectomy) in the hospital after she was born.  Can you tell the difference?!)

We love you, sweet girl!!!


  1. OH my gosh! I didn't know she had the tongue thing. I had it but didn't have mine clipped until I was 17 when I got my wisdom teeth out. It's so hereditary....aren't things like that weird?

  2. I LOVE the third picture of her on her stomach! OH MY WORD! Melt my heart. I cannot wait to see you guys again!!!!
