Monday, July 16, 2012

This Rainy Day is Good For...


Watching Rio.  
(I have a kid now, so I can officially use her as an excuse to watch animated movies.)

Reorganizing my Pinterest boards.
Because that is clearly an important task.

Holding my beautiful baby while she drifts off to sleep.
And letting her stay with me instead of laying her down.

Enjoying my newly repainted den.
And dreaming up what should be done to the rest of the house.

Learning how to fishtail braid my hair.

Making an entirely too unhealthy dinner of chicken alfredo.
Because I have all the ingredients on hand.
Yay for comfort food and for making dinner out of extras in the fridge/pantry.


Not fun on this day:
A 2 1/2 hour early morning trip to the courthouse [with a baby] to get a car tag.
Then coming home and realizing there had been a mistake made by the employee.

I hadn't realized it while at the courthouse because V was crying and I was trying to juggle her, a paci and lovey, the diaper bag, my wallet, and car paperwork.  
I just signed the tag registration forms and got out of there. 

Looks like we'll be going BACK to the courthouse to figure out the problem.
Because they don't answer the phone at that place.

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