What a wonderful month this has been!
-You are mastering the art of reaching out and grabbing objects held in front of you. You're intrigued by your feet and are working on grabbing them, too.
-You smile all the time. We were in a store the other day and you were smiling at a lady who was talking to you, and the lady said, "She has such a great little personality!"
Ooooh, how I love hearing compliments about you! I wanted to say,
"Yes! Yes she DOES have a great personality! The best, actually!
Never before has a baby had such a wonderful personality!"
Instead, I just politely said, "Thank you" and went about my business of picking out picture frames.
-You rolled over last week! Your daddy and I were so proud, you'd have thought that you climbed Mount Everest. It was somewhat accidental, although it happened twice in a row. You were on your tummy and just pushing up so hard that you fell to one side and rolled onto your back. Hasn't happened since that night.
-You stick out your pointy little tongue while giggling and smiling really big.
-You will (usually) sleep all night as long as you have a late night feeding. If you don't wake up on your own, I wake you up around 9:30 or 10:00 (before I go to bed) to give you one more feeding.
-You are SUCH a cuddle bug. At night, from about 6:00 until that last feeding, you strongly prefer to be held while you sleep. I obviously cannot hold you every night for four hours, so we have some long evenings of you crying in your crib. :( Sometimes, though, you win that battle.
-You are beginning to enjoy reading books, which I LOVE! We read several books every night before bed and it thrills me to see your little eyes take in the pages.
-You L.O.V.E. your daddy. The joy I feel when you see him walk in the door from work is unbearable! You laugh at him like he is the funniest person in the world. You especially like to watch him drum and play the guitar. You melt in his arms and have found him to be your favorite nap spot.
-You are still a great eater, so we will try to stick with breast milk only until 6 months.
Here's to another wonderful month, sweet girl!
We love you OH so much!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE her!! And love, love, love you too! She looks so much like you right now, Bonnie!! I can't wait to see her again!!